Reports - Events & Days Out 2013

Cornwall Sunday Walk

Cornwall Sunday Walk

We met at the busy shopping centre Kingsley Village. Had a carvery lunch and then stomped up a couple of steep hills to get to see a wonderful view of West Cornwall. The weather was being very kind considering it was the second week in December and we were standing just below the racing white clouds sweeping in from the Atlantic. From the top of this man made hill, a slag heap from the China Clay industry, we strolled down to the unusually named village of Indian Queens and explored a still used Methodist preaching pit where ministers put the fear of God into the locals since 1860. Of course we needed to finish the walk in a pub and refreshed ourselves with cups of tea. During the year we had 48 Sunday walks enjoyed by many of our members. Martin.

Tour de Derbyshire

Tour de Derbyshire

The happy cyclists!

On a beautiful sunny Sunday, (Spring Bank Holiday Weekend), eight of us enjoyed a day out on The High Peak Trail between Parsley Hay and Middleton Top. This was a round trip of twenty four miles. Seven of us cycled, while Pat was in charge of provisions and three terriers; Pickles, Doodah and Katy.

The day began loading three bikes on to my truck, we then made our way to the Boars Head to meet Phil F and loaded his bike also on the truck. Maria and Pat were there to meet Phil before we all drove to meet Phil C and Su at Parsley Hay. Pat (Mariasmum) in her wisdom let the dogs out of the car for a quick trot. And all was going to plan until it was time to leave, by this time, the time was ticking by and we needed to be on our way. The dogs were shouted and Dood ran straight back. I noticed Pickles the wrong side of the fence with her mate, rabbiting. Blooming things! After much calling and chuntering, Katy arrived back through the fencing, missing the cess pit! We called some more and still there was no Pickle. We went back to the gap in the fence and the cess pit and there she was - one terrier stuck in the cess pit!

Once pulled out, and the hose pipe found, washed and shook we were finally on our way .Hurrah!


On arriving at Parsley Hay two bikes were hired, and we were soon on the trail heading towards Middleton Top. We had an uneventful leisurely ride in perfect conditions through beautiful countryside. We arrived at our destination Middleton Top taking us an hour. After having a rest, a drink and bite to eat we set off on the return leg.

On arriving back at Parsley Hay, Pat had decided to try out a tricycle in bright yellow livery which was approaching us with some splendour. David and Phil escorted Pat along the trail as she demonstrated the ease at which her new found transport operated.

Once we all re-grouped, tea, ice cream and a sit down on the wall was enjoyed by all - we all arrived home with no further dramas in our day.

We will be researching a weekend away with bikes in Derbyshire, anyone interested please get in touch.


Cornwall Country Link visit to Chenhale Farm Equestrian Centre


A chance meeting with a lovely lady who runs an equestrian centre in Cornwall resulted in an invitation to Cornwall Country Link to the centre for a private show! Candy and Gary put together an afternoon programme to demonstrate some of the skills that they teach at their centre. They have recently built a full size dressage arena with a viewing gallery.

22 Country Linkers arrived at the centre's cafe for burgers and baps – served by Candy and Gary, before taking seats in the gallery. Candy and Gary had enlisted the help of some of their girls (Meggy and Emma) and Kev, to show us their horses and what they could do. We saw “Jazz” and “Stilton” in hand, we watched various beautiful horses and ponies put through their paces with lunging, jumping, schooling and riding. Candy took us through each display and then introduced us to the girls, Kev and their horses – with plenty of opportunities for questions. The loving bond between the riders and their mounts was obvious! The animals were clearly well looked after, and they and their riders were wonderfully turned out (and just for us!).


The show finale was Gary (out of his cooking garb) in magnificent top hat and tails, performing a dressage demonstration on the mighty “Quin” who was beautifully prepared with plaited mane and flank markings – who has participated in various Grand Prix competitions. "Quin" was really enjoying performing to an audience. Several of us found this part of the show quite an emotional experience.

After the show we were taken to the stables to be re-acquainted with the horses, a chance to pet them, and to meet the ducks, chicks and goslings in the yard..

It was certainly an afternoon many of us in Cornwall Country Link will remember for a long time, and I was so pleased to have met Candy!


Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

A group of members of Cornwall Country Link visited the very interesting Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens near to Penzance. We had a very nice lunch in the excellent cafe and then battered against the weather to explore the gardens which have been in existence since 1290, not as gardens but as land owned by the monks from nearby St.Michaels Mount growing crops for the island community.


Biking Together on the Monsal Trail


On Sunday 28 July, 6 Derbyshire members and 10 Nottinghamshire members joined forces to cycle the Monsal trail. We left the hire centre heading north at a good speed. Once over the bridge, we had our eyes on ice cream van at the next stop. We regrouped, off once more to our most northerly point - Bakewell. After a sharp shower of the wet stuff, we turned for home at speed - down hill all the way!

Once the bikes were fed and watered, it was off for lunch at tearoom to chat and catch up. We were home by 5, and a great day was had by all.

Thank you to Peter and Pat, for organising team Notts.


Derbyshire Country Link take to the water


On Sunday 25 August the Captain (David) and his crew took to the water, from Great Haywood, to navigate theTrent and Mersey canal.

We cast off at 9.30 am, after training, the galley girl's first job was to put the kettle on and make tea and coffee, for crew and captain first.

We set our course and speed at 4 knots ahead.

After checking the hold, we located the cheese biscuits, they were soon we eaten, followed by the chocolate and orange muffins. By now the both Nick and Phil F had taken to the rudder for a drive. Both were ok after their first training session for the Country Link narrow boat badge.

Lyn by now has found the Pimms, and all is well.

We turned round very smoothly and moored for lunch. We were on our way again at 2ish, for home. We were hindered by a boat stuck in weeds across the canal, but after a shunt from another boat and some bouncing up and down all were on the move again.

Nick and Phil took to the helm again, on completion of training from David the captain.

Tea and cake was served by the galley girls once more and we were safely moored at base. A great day was had by all. Thank you to David for being Captain.


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